Considero que la legislación española reguladora de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo es bastante permisiva. La cifra de un millón de abortos en España hasta el día de hoy desde que entro en vigor en 1985 parece un incumplimiento claro de la CE.
El TC en sentencia 53/85 considero que el nasciturus no es titular del derecho a la vida que recoge el art. 15 CE, sin embargo, también afirmó que era un bien que debía ser protegido. En mi entender, un principio de favor hacia la vida del concebido y sus derechos. Se le tiene como nacido pero no ha nacido.
Teniendo en cuenta que la jurisprudencia de constitucional ocupa el primer lugar después de la CE, es su máximo interpretador y al interpretar está creando derecho constitucional, nos dicen los valores exactos del precepto constitucional. Parece una contradicción que el nasciturus sea un bien protegido y cada año se produzcan más de 80 mil abortos. Esto pone de manifiesto que el nasciturus no está siendo protegido por los poderes públicos. Se trata de una violación de los derechos del feto. Es como si el constitucional afirmara que el medio ambiente es un bien protegido y cada año se talarán decenas de miles de árboles.
Dejando este aspecto al margen, también considero inconstitucional el que se pueda abortar por el mero hecho de que el feto padezca alguna deformación física o psíquica. Antes del nacimiento se establecen discriminaciones en razón de la condición física y por tanto se vulnera el art. 14 CE “los españoles son iguales ante la ley sin que pueda prevalecer discriminación alguna por razón de (…) o cualquier otra condición personal o social”. Artículo que considero extensible al nasciturus al ser un bien que debe ser protegido.
Cuando una persona comete el delito tipificado como violación se le debe aplicar las penas previstas en ese precepto. Una de las consecuencias de la violación es la posibilidad de que la mujer se quede embarazada. En este caso, fruto de un hecho que ha cometido un hombre se irradia la pena y se le aplica al nasciturus mediante la posibilidad de interrupción del embarazo. El feto es un ser independiente y en consecuencia no culpable por la acción que ha llevado a cabo su padre.
La introducción de graves consecuencias psíquicas para la madre produce una gran inseguridad jurídica para el nasciturus. No existen parámetros objetivos en esos informes que pueden ser fácilmente falsificados. El estado tiene una obligación de garantizar que esos informes se lleven a cabo con la mayor transparencia posible para garantizar los derechos de las mujeres y del nasciturus. Sí esos informes falsificados van en detrimento de los derechos del nasciturus no se estaría protegiendo al feto de acuerdo con los criterios del TC.
Por último, en mi opinión, si que se puede plantear desde un punto de vista jurídico, la despenalización del aborto en el supuesto de peligro físico para la madre mediante el estado de necesidad. De acuerdo con el art. 30 CC el ordenamiento otorga la categoría de persona cuando el feto vive 24 horas después de cortar el cordón umbilical. Parece que en caso de conflicto, desde la óptica del derecho, se pueda eliminar una vida para salvar la otra.
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Estimado Albert:
Realmente un artículo claro y conciso sobre el aborto.
Se le nota tiene usted formación jurídica. Lo dicho, una lectura muy recomendable.
Un abrazo, y siga escribiendo en esa línea:
Daniel Arnal arnalme@able.es
si la mujer no quiere tener ese niño, simplemente que no lo tenga
acaso quieres que sean un niño indeseado? no querido por su propia madre?
deberias ser mas tolerante con las mujeres que desean abortar
No creo que el aborto este bien,ya que si una mujer no quiere tener un niño,debe cuidarse,y utilizar anticonseptivos.
un aboto es algo muy feo
deberiamos d pensaruna y otra y otra vez la decision que tomaremos sobre un embarazo no deseado ademas d reflexionar sooobre si podremos co toda esa culpa el reto d la vida d no haberle permitido lo ma s maravilloso k es la vida
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The general complexities of men's and women's style
Both men and women can have the difficulties of keeping their clothing up-to-date and in season, yet men's style often feels a lot less complicated. Of program, for both genders, costumes and style choices may be just as delicate, and there are several'modern'items that could quickly become fashion faux pas - who are able to say they often see people walking on in 70s flames? On the other side, men's style features a few staple goods that will exist forever - which man is going to watch out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Choose traditional pieces, colors and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.
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The common man's suit has scarcely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous varieties for various occasions, nevertheless they are all common in their pursuit of a smart, sharp try to find the person. The great thing about common fashion for men is that it's simply stylish simply neat. A well-groomed lady will typically appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the style of such apparel. A match will undoubtedly be utilized to work in several professions because of the professional search it provides to the individual, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Similarly a match will be utilized to several social situations, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This extraordinary versatility that enables matches to be utilized in almost all events is what gives it its timeless edge and a permanent invest men's fashion.
Contemporary developments in classic men's style
Although classic men's styles can never be changed, it's interesting to remember that changes in men's fashion trends have brought certain basic clothes back into fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, specially, has taken back a wide-variety of basic styles into men's closets, such as that of the dandy man. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress in a classic yet luxurious way, placing value on appearance and acting in a refined manner. This tendency for nearly'over-the-top'classic fashion for men is apparent from events such as the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages dress in notably Victorian-style outfit and take to the streets on vintage cycles - with lots of the men wearing flawless mustaches! This really is only one of several examples of proof displaying the resurrection of such types. Additionally, there are numerous sites online which give attention to gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in providing articles on traditional men's fashion and grooming.
In summary, whilst certain issues with classic men's fashion could be brought back as new developments, the simple garments that they are based on will never fall out of fashion.
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The general complexities of women's and men's fashion
Both women and men can have the difficulties of keeping their clothing up-to-date and in time, yet men's style frequently seems a lot less difficult. Of course, for both sexes, clothes and style options may be equally as complicated, and there are lots of'stylish'items that can rapidly become fashion faux pas - who can say they often see people running around in 70s flames? On the other side, men's style includes a few staple goods that will exist forever - which man is likely to watch out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick traditional pieces, colours and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.
Why common men's fashion is amazing
The traditional man's suit has scarcely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many varieties for different events, nevertheless they are all popular in their quest for a wise, sharp try to find the wearer. The great thing about common fashion for men is that it is simply elegant simply cool. A well-groomed man can typically look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the design of such clothing. A match will undoubtedly be utilized to work in many jobs because of the professional search it provides to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and confidence. Equally a match will be utilized to several social occasions, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This incredible flexibility which allows suits to be worn in nearly all situations is what gives it its classic edge and a lasting invest men's fashion.
Contemporary trends in traditional men's style
Whilst classic men's designs can never be replaced, it's interesting to note that shifts in men's fashion trends have produced certain basic clothes back to fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, especially, has brought back a wide-variety of basic types into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to make reference to men who dress in a classic yet expensive way, placing value on appearance and acting in a polished manner. This tendency for almost'over-the-top'traditional fashion for men is apparent from events like the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages dress in obviously Victorian-style attire and decide to try the streets on vintage cycles - with many of the men wearing perfect mustaches! That is just one of several examples of data exhibiting the resurrection of such variations. There are also numerous sites online which concentrate on gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire websites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on providing articles on common men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, although certain issues with classic men's fashion may be brought back as new movements, the fundamental clothes that they are derived from will never fall out of fashion.
"All it will take certainly are a few simple garments. And there's one secret - the easier the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a technical angle.
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As opposed to classified promoting, the merchant does not commit any upfront value to take portion: Groupon collects private knowledge from ready clients and then contacts only these consumers, mainly by day-to-day e-mail, who could possibly be fascinated in a distinctive item or support.
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There are feasible difficulties with the organization design and style. For example, a lucrative offer could swiftly swamp a minor business with as well many clients, jeopardizing a possibility that consumers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be ample merchandise to satisfy the demand from customers from clients. Hole, a massive clothes retailer, was in a position to deal with 445,000 coupon codes in a nationwide offer (even though it educated server problems at one stage), but a scaled-down business could flip into out of the blue flooded with customers. One particular espresso shop in Portland, Oregon struggled with an increase in purchasers for a number of months, when it promoted close to one,000 Groupons on the one particular working working day it was provided, in accordance to one report. In response to associated problems, Groupon officers condition that 'deal' subscriptions need to have to be capped in progress to a sensible quantity.
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For illustration, an $80 therapeutic massage could be purchased by the client for $forty through Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split up the $forty. That is, the retailer gives a therapeutic therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and will get about $20 from Groupon for it (beneath a 50%/fifty% split). Or, if $240 really worth of house portray solutions is acquired by the consumer for $fifty by way of Groupon, then the company gets $25 and Groupon retains $20 five. The buyer will get the therapeutic massage, or the home painting service, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they initially paid out out $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are specified businesses to which Groupon to get started with did not offer its answers, which includes capturing ranges and strip clubs even so, capturing ranges have been showcased on Groupon.
Not like classified selling, the service supplier does not devote any upfront price to take part: Groupon collects personal knowledge from all set buyers and then contacts only individuals purchasers, mainly by each and every working day digital mail, who might almost certainly be fascinated in a specified merchandise or services.
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