The people say the best world universities are Oxford and Harvard. Many academic studies thus prove it. What happen in these universities?
I would like to know what Oxford and Harvard have. I would like to investigate what kind of people studied in their clasroom. Looking for on Internet I find a lot of examples of many people who were studing there. Students that have and had an essential influence over the social, political and cultural structures in their countries.
I’ve taken four names: Tony Blair, Álvaro Uribe, Newman Cardinal and John Kennedy. Blair studied in Oxford and he became a british president in 1997. He was elected primer minister three times. The last year he entered in the Catholic Church. Blair started this religious aventure in the Oxford’s clasroom. He achieved to follow his way and his concience despite his political responsabilities.
Alvaro Uribe is the actual president of Colombia. He was elected in 2002. During his govern he has achieved to eradicate the political corruption, to reduce the FARC terrorist and to lay Colombia as a stable nation in the economic and political way. He studied in Harvard and was a teacher in Oxford.
Newman Cardinal was a teacher and priest at the Oxford’s university. He take part of the ‘Oxford moviment’. This moviment was sharped by students and teachers and take place in the XIX century. They defended the necesity that the English Church come back to the Roman tradition but without the Pope’s authority. The intellectuals reject the political influence over the anglican church. Newman, after to think and investigate about the both churchs entered in the Roman Catholic Church. This moviment has an important social, political and religious influence in the England of the XIX Century.
John Kennedy. He studied in Harvard university. In his student ages take part in a little group of people who wanted to change the world. The people though that they never arrive to any place. They were utopics. However Kennedy was elected president of EE.UU in 1960. He was coherent with himself. He applied and developed the principles that learnt in Harvard with his clasroom: the equiality among all american citizens. Under his govern combated hardly against the mafia and defended the black’s rights. He died for his principles.
The european universities should be learn the anglosaxon education system. The universities should awaken consciences not to make sleep it. The students are there to dream how to change the world, not in order to get a good salary. The teacher are there to connect with the students, not in order to impose his particular vision of the world.
(sorry for my bad english)
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
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